Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Acetohexamide Dimelor Dymelor

Acetohexamide Dimelor Dymelor

Nursing Considerations

• Use acetohexamide cautiously in elderly
patients and in those with cardiac, hepatic,
or renal disease or thyroid dysfunction.
Drug’s duration of action is prolonged in
patients with renal disease.
• Give acetohexamide 30 minutes before
meals, crushing tablets if desired. If GI
upset occurs, give in divided doses, as prescribed.
•Watch for evidence of hypoglycemia and
hyperglycemia, especially after meals.
• Check blood glucose level often, as ordered.
Provide additional insulin if needed during
stressful periods, as prescribed.
•Monitor liver enzyme levels during therapy;
acetohexamide may increase AST, ALT,
and alkaline phosphatase levels.
• Store acetohexamide in tightly sealed container
in a cool environment.


• Stress need to adhere to prescribed drug
regimen, diet, and exercise program.
• Advise patient to take acetohexamide with
food to avoid GI upset.
• Teach patient how to self-monitor blood
glucose level and check urine for glucose
and ketones, as appropriate.
• Teach patient to recognize and report
signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Adalimumab HUMIRA

Adalimumab HUMIRA Nursing Considerations • Use adalimumab cautiously in patients with recurrent infection or increased risk of infection, pa...