Friday, March 11, 2011

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Adderall Amphetamine Dextroampehetamine


Nursing Considerations
• Keep in mind that when symptoms of
ADHD occur with acute stress reactions,
treatment with amphetamines usually isn’t
WARNING To prevent hypertensive crisis,
don’t give amphetamine during or for up
to 14 days after MAO therapy.
• Give first dose when patient awakens and
additional doses at 4- to 6-hour intervals.
• Be aware that 5 ml of oral solution contains
5 mg of dexamphetamine.
• If patient has bothersome adverse reactions,
such as insomnia and anorexia,
expect to decrease dosage. To minimize
insomnia, administer drug earlier in day.
• Be alert for evidence of long-term
amphetamine abuse, such as severe dermatoses,
marked insomnia, irritability,
hyperactivity, and personality changes. If
patient suddenly stops drug after longterm,
high-dose regimen, watch for
extreme fatigue and depression.
• Instruct breast-feeding patient to avoid
breast-feeding during amphetamine therapy
because drug is excreted in breast milk.
• Teach patient to take first dose on awakening
and subsequent doses at 4- to 6-hour
intervals. Tell him not to take last dose late
in evening because insomnia may occur.
• Inform patient or caregiver that each 5 ml
of oral solution contains 5 mg of dexamphetamine.
Advise patient to use a calibrated
measuring device for accurate dose.
• Urge patient to avoid hazardous activities
until drug’s effects are known.
• Advise patient not to take amphetamine
with acidic fruit juice because doing so
decreases drug absorption.
• Explain drug’s abuse potential, and caution
against altering dosage unless prescribed

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Adalimumab HUMIRA

Adalimumab HUMIRA Nursing Considerations • Use adalimumab cautiously in patients with recurrent infection or increased risk of infection, pa...