Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Acetazolamide Acetazolam Ak-Zol Apo-Acetazolamide Dazamide Diamox Diamox Sequels Storzolamide

Acetazolamide Acetazolam Ak-Zol Apo-Acetazolamide Dazamide Diamox Diamox Sequels Storzolamide

Nursing Considerations

• Use acetazolamide cautiously in patients
with calcium-based renal calculi, diabetes
mellitus, gout, or respiratory impairment.
• Know that acetazolamide may increase
risk of hepatic encephalopathy in patients
with hepatic cirrhosis.
• To avoid painful I.M. injections (caused by
alkaline solution), give acetazolamide by
mouth or I.V. injection if possible.
• Reconstitute each 500-mg vial with at least
5 ml sterile water for injection. Use within
24 hours because drug has no preservative.
•Monitor blood tests during acetazolamide
therapy to detect electrolyte imbalances.
•Monitor fluid intake and output every
8 hours and body weight daily to detect
excessive fluid and weight loss.


• Inform patient that acetazolamide tablets
may be crushed and suspended in chocolate
or another sweet syrup. Or, one tablet
may be dissolved in 10 ml hot water and
added to 10 ml honey or syrup.
• Advise patient to avoid hazardous activities
if dizziness or drowsiness occurs.
• Instruct patient who takes high doses of
salicylates to notify prescriber immediately
about evidence of salicylate toxicity, such
as anorexia, tachypnea, and lethargy.
• If patient plans to mountain climb, urge
her to descend mountain gradually and to
seek immediate medical care if symptoms
of mountain sickness occur.

Nursing Consideration Patient Teaching - Adalimumab HUMIRA

Adalimumab HUMIRA Nursing Considerations • Use adalimumab cautiously in patients with recurrent infection or increased risk of infection, pa...